Monday, May 21, 2007

This is who I am

Hey Ladies,
Just wanted to give you an introduction and a little insight. I've been knitting for only around a year and a half. I'm self-taught since October 2005. I went to AC Moore and had the knitting instructor teach me how to cast on and I was on my way. Here are my knitting projects so that you can see what I've done in the past. I've always been really crafty... kinda of a craft-hopper! LOL Right now, I'm extremely passionate about sewing... but hey, you still need sweaters and other knitted pieces, right? Right! So, I was very enthused about starting this group with Adrienne... I have been in a knitting slump for quite some time and needed something to get me all excited to knit (to completion) again and this is it! So thrilled that you all are here and I hope that you are just as excited as I am!


CreoleInDC said...

I am so geeked to see what yall do! This is gonna be FABU!

Adrienne said...

Welcome girl! tee hee!